10 Reasons Why Make Your Marc is the Hottest Talk Show in Town

My legacy is celebrating the Filipino spirit and “making a mark” in the entertainment industry. As a Filipino born in the Philippines, I’ve strived to pave the way for others, showcasing the amazing talent and creativity of our Filipino community on a global platform. … More 10 Reasons Why Make Your Marc is the Hottest Talk Show in Town

The final countdown is only 10 days to go until the U.S. premiere of 1521 The Movie on October 2!

This film, a proud product of Filipino-American collaboration, is set to make its grand debut in nearly 700 theaters, making it the most widely distributed global feature film produced by Filipino-Americans in the U.S. … More The final countdown is only 10 days to go until the U.S. premiere of 1521 The Movie on October 2!

Los Angeles County’s Largest Philippine-American Friendship Day on July 15

“Building Bridges Across Communities,” NaFFAA Greater LA aims to ignite a spark within our community, encouraging the celebration of our diversity through shared accomplishments, values, and dreams in a multicultural world. … More Los Angeles County’s Largest Philippine-American Friendship Day on July 15